News Releases
December 16, 2024 |
Clarence Gibson
appointed as new
Marceline Council Member
Three applications for
the vacant Marceline City Council position were received during the application
period ending December 10, 2024. This position fills the vacancy for the
remainder of the election term due to the resignation of Councilman Josh
December 4, 2024 |
City of Marceline
Announces Utility Rate Increases Following Public Hearing
Marceline, MO
- The Marceline
City Council convened a public hearing on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at
6:00 p.m. to discuss proposed utility rate increases aimed at addressing
the rising costs of providing essential services to the community.
Public notice of the hearing was provided through advertisement in the
Linn County Leader on November 1st, November 15th,
and November 29th, along with being posted at City Hall and
on the City’s website. After a thorough review and discussion, the
council unanimously approved the following bills
December 3, 2024 |
Candidate Filing
Open for Marceline City Council on December 10th
– Candidate filing for
the Marceline City Council will be open December 10 - 31, 2024. The General
Election will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. Two (2) Councilpersons
will be elected at large to serve three (3) year terms each. Currently,
the seats are held by Councilman Brian Baker and the seat previously held by
Josh Shoemaker who resigned in November.
Members of the Marceline City Council serve their community by setting policies
for the City of Marceline, approving the operating budget each fiscal year, and
ensuring the best interests of the City as whole are met. City of Marceline
residents who desire to be a part of Marceline's bright future are encouraged to
file as a candidate for the City Council.
June 19, 2024 |
City of Marceline
City Council appoints Jesse W. Wallis as new City Manager
Marceline, MO
The City of Marceline is pleased to
announce the appointment of Mr. Jesse W. Wallis as the new City Manager. Mr.
Wallis brings a wealth of experience in municipal governance, policy
administration, and organizational management, making him an excellent choice to
lead our community.
March 27, 2024 |
Annual change from chloramines to chlorine
Marceline, MO
- On Monday, April 1, 2024, the City of Marceline in conjunction with the City of Brookfield and Public Water Supply District Number 3 will be making its ANNUAL CHANGE FROM CHLORAMINES TO CHLORINE.
Every year, the Cities of Marceline, Brookfield and Public Water Supply District Number 3 (PWSD # 3) implement an annual flushing program. Public Utilities employees will flush the water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time. The flushing cleans out sediment and allows routine maintenance of the fire hydrants. Flushing may result in some discoloration and the presence of sediment in your water. These conditions are not harmful and should be of short duration. more>
February 13, 2024 |
Marceline IDA 2024 Business Improvement Grant Program
Marceline, MO
- The Industrial Development Authority of the City of Marceline, Missouri announced they would be providing a 50/50 matching grant program to Marceline businesses to make building façade improvements again this year. Richard Switzer, Executive Director of the IDA announced the grant would be eligible to all commercial business owners within the Downtown Marceline Business District. The total grant money available for this Business Improvement Grant Program will be $10,000.00 for the 2024 grant cycle.
December 4, 2023 |
Candidate Filing Open for Marceline City Council on December 5th
Marceline, MO
filing for the Marceline City Council will be open December 5 – 26,
2023. The General Election will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Two
(2) Councilpersons will be elected at large. Both will serve a three
(3) year term. Currently, the seats are held by Councilwoman Shelly
Milford and Councilwoman Sallie Buck. Members of the Marceline City
Council serve their community by setting policies for the City of
Marceline, approving the operating budget each fiscal year, and ensuring
the best interests of the City as whole are met.
December 4, 2023 |
City requests assistance from Utility Customers
Marceline, MO
- The City of Marceline, Missouri is
requesting utility customers assistance in completing a lead service
line inventory for the City by filling out a Lead Service Line Inventory
Survey by January 31, 2024. This lead service line inventory is a
requirement by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) as is all public water
systems by October 16, 2024.
November 22, 2023 |
Multi-jurisdictional investigation leads to 3 arrests
Marceline, MO
On November 13, 2023,
officers with the Linn County Sheriff’s Department, Marceline Police
Department, and North Missouri Drug Task Force executed a search warrant
in Marceline, Linn County, Missouri. During the investigation,
approximately a pound of purported Methamphetamine, liquid
methamphetamine, Fentanyl, drug paraphernalia, multiple handguns,
various types of pills, fake/stolen identifies, and a large amount of US
currency were all located. One (1) male and two (2) females were
arrested and face narcotic and/or weapon-related charges.
September 18, 2023 |
Wright appointed as Marceline’s Chief of Police
Marceline, MO
John Wright has been appointed as the Chief of Police for the City of
Marceline effective September 18, 2023. John Wright was born and
raised in Marceline, Mo where he attended Marceline High School and
graduated in 1981. While attending school he participated in many
sports. In 1980 he received all conference honors in football, leading
to a scholarship to play football at St. Mary’s of the Plains College in
Dodge City Kansas.
September 14, 2023 |
Officers Dunlap and Nelson Recognized for Lifesaving Actions
Marceline, MO
- At the regular City Council
meeting on September 13, 2023, Mayor Sallie Buck, on behalf of the City
of Marceline, presented Lifesaving Award plaques to Officer Amy Dunlap
and Officer Jermey Nelson of the Marceline Police Department in
recognition for their fast and professional response to a
life-threatening emergency that saved a life on Sunday, May 28, 2023. more>
May 12, 2023 |
Council Adopts new Mt. Olivet Cemetery Policy
Marceline, MO
- At the City Council Meeting on May 11, 2023, the Council adopted Ordinance 23-05.05 to address the increasing difficulty in cemetery groundskeeping maintenance. Effective today, May 12th, only the following items will be allowed on cemetery lots within the Mt. Olivet Cemetery:
Headstones / markers
Shepherds hooks placed abutting the headstone / marker
Mausoleum pads
Urns, vases, artificial flowers and related non-organic material may only be placed on or within the concrete perimeter of headstones to not interfere with care and maintenance of the lot.
March 24, 2023 |
Annual change from chloramines to chlorine
Marceline, MO
- On Monday, April 3, 2023, the City of Marceline in conjunction with the City of Brookfield and Public Water Supply District Number 3 will be making its ANNUAL CHANGE FROM CHLORAMINES TO CHLORINE.
Every year, the Cities of Marceline, Brookfield and Public Water Supply District Number 3 (PWSD # 3) implement an annual flushing program. Public Utilities employees will flush the water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time. The flushing cleans out sediment and allows routine maintenance of the fire hydrants. Flushing may result in some discoloration and the presence of sediment in your water. These conditions are not harmful and should be of short duration. more>
March 16, 2023 |
Walt Disney’s Marceline Kick-Off Event Announcement and Citizen Clock Donation
Marceline, MO
Citizen, as the partner in Time, donated Disney / Citizen Mickey Mouse
Clocks to the Walt Disney Elementary, Father McCartan School, Marceline
High School and Early Learning Center in Marceline on March 16, 2023.
This momentous occasion kicks off a year-long partnership with the Walt
Disney Hometown Museum, inclusive of a celebration event honoring Walt
Disney’s Hometown in June of 2023.
February 24, 2023 |
Marceline IDA 2023 Business Improvement Grant Program
Marceline, MO
- The Industrial Development Authority of the City of Marceline, Missouri announced they would be providing a 50/50 matching grant program to Marceline businesses to make building façade improvements again this year. Richard Switzer, Executive Director of the IDA announced the grant would be eligible to all commercial business owners within the Downtown Marceline Foundation Business District. The total grant money available for this Business Improvement Grant Program will be $10,000.00 for the 2023 grant cycle. more>
December 14, 2022 |
Shelly Milford sworn in as new Marceline Council Member
Marceline, MO
Four applications for
vacant Marceline City Council position were received during the
application period ending December 1, 2022. This position fills
the vacancy for the remainder of the election term due to the
resignation of Councilman Tracy Carlson. Interviews were conducted
at a special session of the Marceline City Council on December 6th
and Shelly Milford was selected for the position. Councilwoman Milford
was sworn in at the regular Council Meeting on December 14th.
Outgoing Councilman Carlson was also presented a plaque recognizing his
service to the City from April of 2021 to December 2022.
December 6, 2022 |
Candidate Filing Open for Marceline City Council on December 6th
Marceline, MO
Candidate filing for the Marceline City Council will be open December 6
- 27, 2022. The General Election will be held on Tuesday, April 4,
2023. Two (2) Councilpersons will be elected at large. One will serve
a three (3) year term and one will serve a (1) one year term.
Currently, the three (3) year seat is held by Councilman Gary Carlson.
The one (1) year seat is to fill Councilman Tracy Carlson’s unexpired
term due to his resignation because he was elected as Linn County
Prosecuting Attorney.
November 23, 2022 |
Marceline’s Gazebo set for demolition and Plans for replacement
Marceline, MO
The Gazebo, located in Ripley Park, is set for demolition in the week following Peanut Night on November 26, 2022. Following safety concerns from several residents, the City’s Building Inspector and Building Official conducted a thorough inspection of the structure and concluded that the integrity of the structure is compromised, and continued use is dangerous for users and is a liability to the City.
25, 2022 |
Governor Mike Parson to visit Marceline for CoffeeTree Group’s Ribbon Cutting
Marceline, MO
The City of Marceline is proud to host Missouri Governor Mike Parson, who will be in Marceline to officiate the ribbon cutting ceremony for the City’s newest employer, CoffeeTree Group at approximately 2:00 pm, Thursday, October 27th at its new Technical Operations Center located at 121 N. Main Street USA. The public is invited to the event which will begin upon the Governor’s arrival.
October 19, 2022 |
Council adopts date change for Regular City Council Meetings
Marceline, MO
At the regular
meeting of the City Council on October 18, 2022, the Council adopted
Ordinance #35.2233, formally changing the regular meeting dates to 5:30
pm on the second Wednesday each month, starting in the month of
25, 2022 |
IDA announces the 2022 Business Grant Program Awardees
Marceline, MO
The Industrial Development Authority (IDA) of the City of Marceline,
Missouri announced today they had a great response to their 2022
Business Grant program. The program was announced on March 1, 2022, and
the application period ended on April 2nd.
April 12, 2022 |
Council Members
Shoemaker and Baker sworn in, Buck elected Mayor
Marceline, MO
At the Special City Council Meeting on April 12, 2022, one of the
Council’s first actions was to formally recognize the public service of
outgoing Council Members Jeri Holt and Lacey Meissen. Councilman Holt
served on the Council from April 2013 to April 2022 and Councilwoman
Meissen served on the Council from April 2019 to April 2022.
April 4, 2022 |
Annual change from
chloramines to chlorine
Marceline, MO
On Tuesday, April 5, 2022, the City of Marceline in conjunction with the City of Brookfield and Public Water Supply District Number 3 will be making its ANNUAL CHANGE FROM CHLORAMINES TO CHLORINE.
February 17, 2022 |
Marceline IDA 2022 Business Improvement Grant Program
Marceline, MO
The Industrial
Development Authority of the City of Marceline, Missouri announced they
would be providing a 50/50 matching grant program to Marceline
businesses to make improvements again this year. Richard Switzer,
Executive Director of the IDA announced the grant would be eligible to
all commercial businesses in Marceline and all commercial building
owners. Switzer said the total grant money available for this Business
Grant Program would be $10,000.00 in the 2022 grant cycle.
January 27, 2022 |
Marceline IDA selects new Executive Director
Marceline, MO
The Marceline Industrial Development Authority (IDA) has selected
Richard Switzer as the new Executive Director for the organization.
Effective February 1st, Switzer will be replacing Darrell
Gardner, who is retiring after 22 years of service to the IDA. .
January 3, 2022 |
2022 General Election: Council Election – 2 Seats, 3 Candidates
Marceline, MO
Candidate filing for the Marceline City Council closed at 5:00 pm on
Tuesday, December 28, 2021. The General Election for the City of
Marceline will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. This year, two
(2) Councilmembers will be elected at large to serve a three (3) year
term. Currently, the seats are held by Councilwoman Lacey Meissen and
Councilman Jeri Holt. The candidates vying for the open seats include
candidates Josh Shoemaker, Todd Fellows and Brian Baker.
December 15, 2021 |
New Professional Technology Services Company opening in Marceline
Marceline, MO
City and Marceline Industrial Development Authority (IDA) announces the
opening of a new Technical Delivery Center in Downtown Marceline by
CoffeeTree Group, a Professional Technology Services Company. The new
technology center will be located at 121 N. Main Street USA. .
October 21, 2021 |
Candidate Filing Open for Marceline City Council on December 7th
Marceline, MO
Candidate filing for
the Marceline City Council will be open December 7 - 28, 2021. The
General Election will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. Two (2)
Councilpersons will be elected at large to serve three (3) year terms
each. Currently, the seats are held by Councilwoman Lacey Meissen and
Councilman Jeri Holt.
November 3, 2021 |
City awarded LWCF Grant for park and recreation improvements
Marceline, MO
The City of Marceline was awarded a 2020 Land and Water Conservation
Fund (LWCF) grant for Marceline Park Improvements in October of 2021.
This is a federal grant program under the National Park Service that is
administered under the Missouri Department of Natural Resources,
Division of State Parks. The improvements made under this grant will
be at both Ripley Park and Walt Disney Park.
October 21, 2021 |
Marceline IDA now accepting applications for Executive Director position
Marceline, MO
The Marceline Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is now accepting
applications for hiring a new Executive Director following the
retirement announcement of the current Executive Director, Darrell
September 10, 2021 |
Marceline Homecoming and Alumni Banquet Celebrations Schedule
Marceline, MO
The Marceline Alumni
Association Committee invites you to join them in support of our school
and community for the 2021 Homecoming festivities on Friday, September
24th and the annual Alumni Banquet on Saturday, September 25th.
June 14, 2021 |
New trash service with RTS Waste Services to begin July 1st
Marceline, MO
The City of Marceline signed a 5-year contract with RTS Waste Services,
LLC. for trash collection service to begin July 1, 2021. With any new
collection service, there will be a transition period and new changes to
the service which are outlined below, and residents are asked to be
patient during this period.
May 25, 2021 |
Marceline Online Payment System available June 1st
Marceline, MO
Beginning June 1, 2021 residents of the City of Marceline will be able
to view and pay their utility billing and tax accounts online. This
process began in 2020 after the City had budgeted a loss in the FY
2019-2020 budget as in previous budgets to provide the option for credit
card payments with a minimal $2.00 fee per transaction which covered
approximately 30% of the program cost.
April 29, 2021 |
New Reservoir Upgrades to Begin this Summer
Marceline, MO
Residents and
visitors will see major improvements to the facilities at the City Lake
(New Reservoir) this year following a grant awarded through the
Community Assistance Program (CAP) grant by the Missouri Department of
Conservation (MDC).
April 22, 2021 |
IDA announces the 2021 Business Grant Program Awardees
Marceline, MO
The Industrial Development Authority (IDA) of the City of Marceline,
Missouri announced today they had a great response to their 2021
Business Grant program. The program was announced on February 1, 2021
and the application period ended on April 2. This was the third year for
the program and more applications were submitted than in either of the
first two years.
April 13, 2021 |
Councilman Tracy
Carlson sworn in, Holt elected Mayor
Marceline, MO
At the Special City Council Meeting on April 13, 2021, one of the
Council’s first actions was to formally recognize the public service of
outgoing Councilman Tyson Brammer. Councilman Brammer served on the
Council from April 2015 to April 2021.
March 4, 2021 |
Annual change from chloramines to chlorine
Marceline, MO
On Monday March 8, 2021, the City of Marceline in conjunction with the
City of Brookfield and Public Water Supply District Number 3 will be
February 8, 2021 |
Marceline IDA 2021 Business Improvement Grant Program
Marceline, MO
The Industrial
Development Authority of the City of Marceline, Missouri announced they
would be providing a 50/50 matching grant program to Marceline
businesses to make improvements again this year. Darrell Gardner
Executive Director of the IDA announced the grant would be eligible to
all commercial businesses in Marceline and all commercial building
owners. Gardner said the total grant money available for this Business
Grant Program would be $10,000.00 in the 2021 grant cycle.
January 25, 2021 |
2021 General Election: Council Election – 2 Seats, 4 Candidates
Marceline, MO
Candidate filing for the Marceline City Council closed at 5:00 pm on
Tuesday, January 19, 2021. The General Election for the City of
Marceline will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. This year, two
(2) Councilmembers will be elected at large to serve a three (3) year
Currently, the seats are held by
Councilwoman Sallie Buck and Councilman Tyson Brammer.