Community Plan Documents

- Community Plan



Diverse Housing and Downtown Properties


This is a long-term strategy to address the housing needs of the local residents, future residents and visitors to the community.  This strategy will need champions of the City and the County to implement.



Food and Entertainment


This strategy sets the stage for downtown as the center of the community as a place of activity with events, gathering places, entertainment options and dining / food experiences for local residents, the nearby communities and visitors.




Creative Arts


This strategy takes advantage of the current assets (Disney Museum, Disney history, and the natural environment) for the creative arts to flourish with the local art community and Disney fans from all over the world.




Building Leadership and Identifying Funding


This strategy was added by the Team to assist the community in building the leadership team's ability to manage, engage, educate and motivate the community to realize the goals and expectations of success.



Marceline Community Plan


The Marceline Community Plan defines where our Community is going, how we are going to get there and measures success over time.  It ensures the most effective use of the City’s limited resources by focusing those resources on key priorities. The City, its residents and visitors will in benefit in the successful implementation of this Strategic Plan through job creation, business openings / expansions, increased tourism, population increase - all of which increases City revenue and ultimately results in a higher quality of life.


Community Planning sessions have been held in many other communities and has proven highly successful in how those communities plan for the future.  How involved residents become in sharing their concern for Marceline’s future, and how supportive they are of local efforts will ultimately shape the future of the City in terms of what type of services, programs, and events, if any, should be provided.



Brand Statement

We are Marceline, Missouri and our story is the story of America.  For well over 100 years, people have been drawn here for our rich land, rail heritage and our warm people.

We are the story of the American Railroad.  We were founded in 1888 along the Santa Fe line and the railroad truly shaped our story.  Named for the wife of a railroad administrator, our community and its prosperity were tied to the line.

We are the story of the American Coal Miner.  With numerous mines and all the support industries that went alongside them, ours is a community of loyal employees, a hearty work ethic and deep, deep roots.  The fuel from our soil powered the rail, and helped to connect the west.

We are the story of the American Dreamer.  At the turn of the century, Elias Disney brought his family here to start a farm, and was drawn to this place by the values of this community.  It was on that farm that his son Walt's imagination was born.  That ingenuity and creativity is still thriving in our publishing and manufacturing industries today.

We are Marceline, Missouri and we are proud of our amazing past.  We are proud to tell the tale of how the rail has woven together so much of our history.  We are proud to have preserved the best of Small Town America.  We are proud to be the home of dreamers.  And we are proud of the vision we are crafting for our future.

We invite you to discover this place we call home.  Sit along Walt Disney's Dream Tree, and see the place that inspired an American Legacy.  Visit our shops, grab a bite in our traditional corner cafe, and feel the warmth of a true classic.  Spend a day here and you'll know what we mean when we say:


Small Town America.  Perfectly Imagined