Lindsay Krumpelman
City Clerk |

The City Clerk’s office is dedicated to providing
quality services to the public. These services include maintaining
and ensuring control of all official City documents and the
preservation of historical records, attesting the Mayor’s signature
and assuring compliance with Missouri's Public Record and Sunshine
Laws. As qualifying officer of municipal elections, the City Clerk
works closely with candidates for City Council.
The City Clerk’s office also responds to public record requests,
performs public relation duties with the public and media, and
prepares City Council agendas and minutes.
Records Requests: The City of Marceline adheres to all State of
Missouri public access laws and will promptly respond to all public
record requests. In addition to any other method of requesting
public records under Missouri law, public records may also be
obtained by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (660) 376-3528, by
email at,
by mail at 116 N. Main Street USA, Marceline, MO 64658 or in person at
the City Clerk’s office located at City Hall.
The City may charge in advance for copies and may charge a fee for
extensive use of clerical or supervisory labor or extensive
information technology resources.