









Location Contact

116 N. Main Street USA

Marceline, MO 64658

phone:  (660) 376-3528

email:  lindsay.krumpelman@marcelinemo.us

Purchases ranging from $2,500 to $20,000 require three competitive quotes and City Manager's approval. Purchases exceeding $20,000 require a formal sealed bid process and City Council approval. Exceptions to the purchasing process are can be found in the Marceline Purchasing Policy Ordinance.  

The City of Marceline does not have a system in place that will allow acceptance of online bids, therefore, all formal sealed bids will continue to be received at City Hall.

All vendors interested in doing business with the City of Marceline are encouraged to contact us and request to be added to our vendor listing.

Request for Bids (RFB)
Project Due Date
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Project Due Date
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Project Due Date