Marceline, MO - The City of
Marceline, Missouri is requesting utility customers assistance in completing a
lead service line inventory for the City by filling out a Lead Service Line
Inventory Survey by January 31, 2024. This lead service line inventory is
a requirement by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Missouri
Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) as is all public water systems by
October 16, 2024. The service line materials used for both the City and
customer side of water meters for all connections to the City water
supply system need to be verified as part of this inventory. The City has
contracted with Bartlett & West, an engineering firm located in Jefferson City,
to assist in conducting our lead service line inventory, which is being
primarily funded through grant funds from MoDNR.
The City will be mailing out the Lead Service
Line Inventory Customer Surveys the week of December 4, 2023. Customers can
either complete the hard copy surveys or they may complete them online via the
link: or
through the QR code below. If customers prefer to complete the hard copy
surveys, they can submit them to: Bartlett & West, 601 Monore Street, Suite 201,
Jefferson City, MO 65101. Additional hard copy surveys can be picked up at
City Hall or printed from the City’s website.
If the customer does not know the material
composition of their service line, they can perform a visual inspection where it
enters the home / business / building using the information and guidance
provided in the hard copy survey or survey links. Service lines can be made of
many different materials such as plastic, copper, galvanized and lead. The
age of your home will indicate if a lead service line could be present.
The led ban that prohibited the use of lead in potable water supply systems
became effective on January 1, 1989.
If you have any questions, please contact
Water / Wastewater Superintendent Matt Gibson at
Survey QR Code:

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